French President Macron Wants to Sanction Parents of Rioters

On Monday night, President Emmanuel Macron once again referred to protesters as criminals and stated that he wishes for their families to face financial sanctions.


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“On the first offense, we should be able to financially and easily penalize the families of delinquents,” he said during a visit to the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC).

Without providing further details of this proposal, which was promoted and applauded by the French right, he explained that he wants to establish “some type” of minimum fee or fine for families from the first offense of their children.

The MEP Manon Aubry, however, criticized this form of sanction because it would mainly affect families in a situation of extreme poverty. The leftist La France Insoumise party also warned that the proposal would fail to appease social discontent.

“After threatening the parents, Macronism takes up the far-right words and animalizes the neighborhoods’ inhabitants. Not a single word about police, racism, poverty, or public services. Its only project is ‘re-civilize the suburbs.’ Where is the relief?,” Aubry said.

Accompanied by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, Macron made his first exit from the Elysée since the wave of violence broke out in Paris, as a result of the murder of a 17-year-old boy at the hands of a police officer.

They went by surprise to a barracks in the 17th district, which houses several riot companies and other police units in Paris. Macron listened to the stories of some agents, thanked them for the effort made and highlighted his support.

Meanwhile, 45,000 police officers were deployed across the country, 7,000 of them in Paris, in an attempt by his administration to continue the process of de-escalating the riots. According to official information, some 557 people were arrested over the weekend.



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