Landslides and Flooding in Myanmar, Record Rainfall | News

On Tuesday, Myanmar’s authorities stated that severe weather triggered landslides and flooding in southern, with its southernmost town Kawthaung experiencing its heaviest single-day rainfall in 76 years.

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According to Myanmar’s Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Kawthaung, a town located in Myanmar’s Tanintharyi region, recorded 253 mm of rainfall, surpassing the 232 mm figure recorded in July 2021.

Myanmar Fire Services Department reported has reported that heavy rains and strong winds caused landslides and falling trees in Kawthaung, Dawei, and Myeik towns in the Tanintharyi region on Tuesday.

According to official reports from rescue organizations, a man in Myeik town of Tanintharyi region died on Tuesday after a tree fell on him due to the severe weather conditions.

Moreover, several towns in Mon state, which shares its border with the Tanintharyi region, experienced flooding, and rescue workers evacuated people in boats from the streets of Mudon and Thanbyuzayat towns.

Myanmar’s weather bureau has issued warnings about rising water levels in certain rivers, which might remain above danger levels for the next two days; and it has also urged people living near the riverbanks and low-lying areas to take precautionary measures.

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