Mexico: Opposition Sectors Burn New Educational Textbooks

In Mexico, less than a week before the beginning of a new school year, some sectors continue to refuse to use the new free educational textbooks offered by the Government and have even burned them in rejection of their content.

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In the south of the country, some hostile indigenous communities made a pyre to burn the books because they consider them to be contrary to their beliefs.

The government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has shown respect for those who have opposed the new materials, but condemns the burning of the books.

The Mexican president stated in this regard: “One must have books and take care of the books, even if they are books in which one does not see oneself reflected or does not agree with their content.”

Conservative and evangelical sectors criticize the desire to indoctrinate the population. “Yes to life, no to abortion, yes to freedom of conscience, no to ideological imposition, no to sexual and gender indoctrination of children,” declared the evangelical pastor José Tomás Bermúdez.

In spite of the Government’s explanations that the purpose of the texts is educational, some people have been deceived, so President López Obrador called to avoid falling into such practices.

“There are free thinkers, agnostics, atheists, who have their bible, because it is an important book. How can I not have a book, but, what’s more, how can I burn a book,” added López Obrador.

Also, by legal means, they have tried to stop the delivery of free books that should be in the classrooms next Monday for the beginning of classes.

A minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation granted a suspension for the books not to be delivered in the state of Coahuila, in the north, thus joining other entities.

The Ministry of Public Education assures that the textbooks will be in the classrooms in time to be used by the approximately 30 million students who will resume activities.

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