A Third Convoy of 20 Humanitarian Aid Trucks Enters Gaza | News

On Monday, a third humanitarian aid convoy, consisting of twenty trucks, entered Gaza from the Egyptian crossing at Rafah.


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These trucks are carrying medicines, medical supplies, and baby formula. The trucks were redirected to the Al Awja crossing, under Israeli control, for inspection before they are permitted to enter Gaza.

This marks the third convoy to enter since Saturday when Israel allowed humanitarian aid to reach the residents of Gaza through Egypt. They have been under siege by Israel since October 7.

Today’s convoy brings the total number of trucks entering Gaza since Saturday to 54: 20 on Saturday and 14 on Sunday. This is despite earlier reports indicating that 17 trucks were supposed to cross.

On Sunday night, U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached an agreement during a phone conversation regarding continuous assistance to Gaza amidst the ongoing conflict in the region.

This latest convoy arrived a day after the Israeli military acknowledged “accidentally” firing upon an Egyptian military post in the border area.

The Egyptian military spokesperson, Gharib Abdelhafez, stated, “During the ongoing clashes in the Gaza Strip, one of the Egyptian border surveillance towers was accidentally hit by fragments from an Israeli tank projectile, causing minor injuries to some border guards.”

Following this incident, the United Nations confirmed that 14 trucks had entered Gaza, which the United Nations Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths, described as “another glimmer of hope for the thousands of people in dire need of humanitarian assistance.”

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