News in pictures | ICC urged to investigate Marcos Jr., Duterte over war crimes

MANILA – A Netherlands-based solidarity group for the Philippines urged the International Criminal Court to investigate the war crimes of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his predecessor Rodrigo Duterte.

The Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle (FFPS) submitted a copy of the findings and verdict of the recently concluded International People’s Tribunal on the War Crimes of the U.S.-supported Marcos Jr. and Duterte governments in Brussels on May 17 to 18.

“Recently, the ICC Prosecutor stated his application for an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We now challenge the ICC to do the same for the Filipino people: investigate the war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law of the Marcos Jr. and Duterte regimes,” said Paul Evers, spokesperson for the FFPS.

The FFPS was joined by other progressive groups which are also based in the Netherlands. Environmentalist Jonila Castro also joined the submission in the ICC.

“I came here to the Netherlands not only to confront Boskalis for its reclamation project that is devastating fishing communities in Manila Bay, but also to urge the ICC to look at the evidence of the Marcos Jr. administration’s brutality against environmental activists such as myself,” said Castro. (

Photos courtesy of the International Peoples Tribunal

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