The unfinished struggle for Philippine independence – Pinoy Weekly

Despite celebrating over a century of formal independence from foreign colonial powers since 1898, the Philippines has yet to achieve true sovereignty and self-determination. The pervasive influence of domestic elites and foreign interests continues to shape the nation’s political and economic landscape, undermining genuine national liberation.

This enduring reality raises critical questions about the nature of independence and the ongoing struggle for a just and equitable society. The following discussion explores the historical trajectory of exploitation and oppression that has prevented the Philippines from attaining real independence, tracing these issues from pre-colonial times to the contemporary era.

The Philippines is a country endowed with an abundance of natural resources, including fertile lands, rich mineral deposits and diverse marine life. Despite this inherent wealth, the majority of Filipinos have historically faced significant socio-economic challenges, a paradox deeply rooted in the country’s semi-feudal and semi-colonial status. This exploration traces the historical trajectory of exploitation and oppression that has shaped the Philippines from pre-colonial times to the contemporary era.

The paradox of the Philippines lies in its wealth of natural resources juxtaposed with widespread poverty. This disparity is primarily attributed to the country’s semi-feudal and semi-colonial structures. The economy, though possessing modern sectors, remains predominantly agrarian with significant feudal characteristics. Landlords and local elites exploit peasants through systems of land tenancy and other oppressive practices.

Furthermore, the heavy influence and control of foreign powers, particularly the United States (US), have cemented the Philippines’ semi-colonial status. This dual exploitation by local ruling elites and foreign capitalists ensures that wealth remains concentrated in the hands of a few, while the masses endure persistent poverty.

Economic exploitation in the Philippines is sustained by mechanisms that subject Filipino peasants and workers to harsh conditions, with low wages, unfair labor practices and usurious financial schemes. These exploitative relations are perpetuated by a combination of domestic ruling elites, such as landlords and comprador capitalists, who collaborate with foreign interests.

Politically, the state functions as a repressive apparatus serving the interests of these exploiting classes. The government employs violence, coercion and political repression to maintain the status quo, suppressing dissent and protecting elite interests through the use of military and police forces.

Pre-colonial Filipino society consisted of relatively egalitarian communities known as barangays. These communities practiced collective labor and communal ownership of resources, representing a more communal and less exploitative social structure compared to later periods.

Despite the country’s rich natural resources, the Filipino people have endured centuries of poverty and repression due to the entrenched semi-feudal and semi-colonial structures. The exploration underscores the need for a revolutionary change to achieve genuine national liberation and social transformation.

The Spanish colonial period (1565-1898) introduced feudal structures that drastically altered the social fabric of the Philippines. The encomienda system and later the hacienda system led to the dispossession and exploitation of the native population. The Catholic Church played a significant role in consolidating Spanish control, acting as both a religious and economic power that maintained the feudal order.

The American colonial period (1898-1946) began with the Treaty of Paris, which marked a significant turning point in Philippine history. This treaty ended the Spanish-American War and resulted in Spain ceding the Philippines to the US for $20 million, a transaction that underscored the colonial nature of the Philippines.

The US implemented policies to integrate the Philippines into the global capitalist system, further entrenching economic dependency and political subservience. Despite infrastructure developments and educational reforms, the fundamental nature of exploitation and oppression persisted, with the American colonial government reinforcing the power of local elites.

Post-independence, starting in 1946, did not bring true liberation for the Filipino people. Instead, the period is depicted as one of neo-colonialism, where the Philippines remained heavily influenced by U.S. interests. The local ruling class continued to oppress and exploit the masses in alliance with foreign capitalists. This period is marked by the dominance of landlords, comprador capitalists and bureaucrat-capitalists, perpetuating a cycle of exploitation and repression.

Viewing Philippine history through the lens of class struggle highlights the continuous conflict between the oppressed masses and the exploiting classes. The historical narrative of foreign domination and local exploitation sets the stage for a national democratic revolution. A revolution that aims to overthrow the semi-feudal and semi-colonial system, establishing a people’s government that can achieve true independence and social justice which would further transform the society towards egalitarianism and economic equity.

The history of the Philippines is a narrative of struggle against foreign domination and local exploitation. Despite the country’s rich natural resources, the Filipino people have endured centuries of poverty and repression due to the entrenched semi-feudal and semi-colonial structures. The exploration underscores the need for a revolutionary change to achieve genuine national liberation and social transformation.

By tracing the historical trajectory from pre-colonial times through Spanish and American colonial periods to the present, a comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic and political challenges that continue to shape the Philippines today is provided.

As we reflect on the rich yet tumultuous history of the Philippines, it is imperative for the Filipino people to recognize that the journey towards true independence and self-determination is far from over. The persistent socio-economic inequalities and political subjugation demand a unified and concerted effort to challenge and dismantle the entrenched systems of exploitation.

Let us draw inspiration from our past struggles and channel our collective strength and resilience towards building a just, equitable and genuinely independent nation. The time is now for every Filipino to actively participate in the movement for national liberation and social transformation, ensuring that the dreams of our ancestors for freedom and justice are finally realized.

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