ICHRP Members Around the World Take Action in Response to Guilty IPT Verdict

In response to the recent guilty verdict of the International People’s Tribunal on war crimes in the Philippines, members of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) across the world held mobilizations in May and June to draw attention to the verdict. These actions included delivery of the verdict to embassies of the Philippine and United States governments; public protest actions and rallies; educational forums; webinars; and watch sessions of the IPT proceedings. Actions took place in several cities including Brussels, The Hague, Vancouver, Ottawa, Portland, Baltimore, San Francisco, and Washington DC.

This global response demonstrates the growing strength of international solidarity for the Filipino people in their struggle for a just and lasting peace. ICHRP calls upon people inspired by this tribunal to continue to mobilize the broadest solidarity support for the Filipino people against the intensive, US backed counterinsurgency campaign that causes deep suffering and oppression in the Philippines.

Our solidarity is most powerful when we are unified and organized in action. You can build this unity with others by joining a local ICHRP member organization, or forming your own. Reach out to ICHRP at ichrp.net/contact if you aren’t sure how to get involved!

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