Liza Maza, women’s rights advocate and former lawmaker, declares senatorial bid


MANILA — Former Gabriela Women’s Party Rep. Liza Maza is resolved to run for the Senate in the 2025 midterm elections under the Makabayan Party despite government efforts to frustrate her plan.

The announcement of Maza’s campaign was originally scheduled yesterday, Aug.15, in Caloocan City but was later moved to Quezon City after the police allegedly harassed members of the community where the launch was originally planned to be held.

The Caloocan police disrupted the event by blocking two reserved venues. Maza said these actions are part of a broader pattern of harassment of activists and opposition groups.

“Their efforts to stop me started even before the announcement. They attempted to prevent me from freely engaging with the people of Caloocan. They wanted to present their grievances, which I will address in my Senate run. We strongly condemn the actions of the PNP Caloocan and NTF-ELCAC in blocking us,” said the former legislator.

NTF-ELCAC is the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. It serves as the government’s counterinsurgency arm.

Maza said that this is an attack on the entire coalition she represents, saying that traditional politicians would not face similar obstacles.

“The NTF-ELCAC is embedded within the LGUs, stationed there. Under the whole-of-nation approach, they use the police and all government agencies to silence the people, to silence the masses who have long been suffering under a rotten, corrupt, and elitist government,” Maza said.

“I challenge the NTF-ELCAC, the police, and Bongbong Marcos himself, who claims to support OFWs. I challenge you—hands off Makabayan!,” she added.

National minorities

Leaders from national minorities group represented by Funa-ay Claver, Kat Dalon, and Kakay Tolentino backed Maza’s senate bid.

Claver, a young Igorot from Bontoc in the Cordilleras, pointed out issues faced by indigenous communities such as inadequate programs for farmers, lack of healthcare and education services, and exploitation of lands by corporations, forcing many families to leave their communities and move to urban areas.

“The state of the indigenous peoples in the Cordillera cannot remain this way. I first voted in 2022, and next year will be my second time. Although I am still young and have little experience in the world of elections, it is clear to me that I am looking for a leader who will bring true change. The youth, the indigenous peoples are looking for leaders who care about minorities, who care about ordinary people,” Claver said.

“We are looking for militant leaders who will stand with the masses in their calls and consistently fight for the rights of the people.” she added.

Kakay Tolentino of the BAI IP Women’s Network also expressed her support for Maza, stressing the issues faced by the Dumagat people. She pointed out the lack of government support for healthcare, education, and livelihood.

Tolentino said that since the Marcos dictatorship, the exploitation of natural resources by wealthy individuals and corrupt politicians has persisted. The Dumagat’s access to essential resources is increasingly restricted, and rivers that once provided clean water are now being diverted to various projects.

“We are tired of the suffering caused by the politicians in power. We long for true allies in defending, advancing, and governing our Sierra Madre. We are looking for those who will stand with us for true change and will embrace us in defending and protecting our rights,” Tolentino added.

Meanwhile, another lumad, Kat Dalon, called for political change, arguing that the current system fails to protect indigenous rights and allows abuse and exploitation to persist.

“The indigenous people are tired of the lies, corruption, and dirty politics. And we see that the state is terrified of the united masses because they know that our service to the masses is genuine and just. The time is now to push for real change. Change from the masses and change for the masses,” Dalon said.


Among those who endorsed Maza were Migrante International and Migrante Philippines, organizations advocating for the rights and welfare of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and their families.

Maza is a known advocate for women’s and migrants’ rights, for her role in the passage of the Migrant Workers Act of 1995, and contributions on other related legislations like the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, and the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act.

Maza actively campaigned for Mary Jane Veloso’s release from death row and, as secretary general of the International League of People’s Struggle, built global solidarity to address issues affecting Filipinos and other marginalized groups.

Photo by Daniela Mauricio/Bulatlat

In a pledge of support, Veloso’s mother, Celia, shared the current situation of her daughter. Mary Jane’s mother recounted the negative impact of the continued imprisonment of her daughter on her grandchildren. She made an appeal for Mary Jane’s release and expressed a “renewed hope” upon learning that Maza will run for the Senate.

“I heard that Liza Maza is running for the Senate, and it gave me hope. I said that maybe Liza Maza could help bring Mary Jane home. So, Liza, we will do our best to make sure you win.” said Celia.

Gabriela Secretary General Clarice Palce said that their group is endorsing Maza’s candidacy for the Senate, noting Maza’s long-standing commitment to women’s rights and social justice.

Maza is the second Gabriela representative set to run for the Senate, following the earlier announcement by Congresswoman Arlene Brosas. Efforts are now focused on ensuring that Maza and Brosas have a place in the Senate.

Palce explained five reasons why Maza is the best candidate for the Senate. She praised Maza’s unwavering dedication to fighting discrimination and violence against women, her experience in grassroots activism and legislative work, and her strong nationalist stance against foreign intervention.

“Electing Liza Maza to the Senate is a crucial step towards transforming our society. We must move away from the traditional politicians we are used to. We should not side with the Marcoses and the Dutertes. Here is Makabayan, here is Liza Maza, and here is Gabriela. So from Congress, from the streets, let us bring Makabayan to the Senate.” said Palce.

The Makabayan coalition will field a full senatorial slate for next year’s midterm elections. The coalition consists of eight parties, including Bayan Muna, Anakpawis, Gabriela, ACT Teachers, and Kabataan. (JJE, RTS, RVO)

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