Africa Moves Away From France | News

The Russian newspaper Izvestia published a report in which it exposes the distancing that many African countries are taking from the former occupying country (France) due to the dissatisfaction of these countries with Paris’ actions towards them since their independence.

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Russian journalist Ksenia Loginova, who elaborated the report, said that African countries that previously looked towards Paris, are now looking for new allies. The journalist was referring to the coup that took place last month in Niger against the ousted president, Mohamed Bazoum, an ally of France. This was accompanied by the immediate cessation of the export of gold and uranium from Niamey to Paris.

The writer referred to the two coups that took place in Burkina Faso last year and in Mali the year before against two governments that were allies of France, adding that Senegal is the next African country that looks forward to getting out of Paris’ influence.

Loginova reported that dissatisfaction with France’s actions in African countries has increased recently. After Niger, demonstrations began in Senegal, where activists took to the streets and burned the French flag to protest the arrest of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko.

The report stated that Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania and Togo were disappointed by Paris during the “Covid-19” pandemic, considering that French assistance in combating the epidemic was insufficient. She added that doubts are growing in the media and public speeches in Cameroon, Ivory Coast and the Republic of the Congo about the capacity of the Élysée Palace to ensure their safety in the face of the threat posed by armed opposition groups.

The report emphasized that France retained political, economic, military, cultural and ideological influence for a long time in most of its former African colonies. It said that African leaders received comprehensive personal assistance in exchange for concessions for French companies. Paris continued to use the continent as a testing ground for new models of equipment and weapons, as it was dictating African countries how to act in certain situations.

The writer considered that the remaining loyal partners of the Élysée Palace are Benin, Gabon, Gambia and Chad, for whom France is an important political and commercial partner. According to the journalist, Paris actively supports pro-French elites in these countries.

The writer pointed out that last February, French President Emmanuel Macron tried to change everything and improve relations with the former colonies. He announced during his tour of the continent that the era of French Africa, which was formulated during the era of former French President Charles de Gaulle, is over. Macron referred implicitly to the unofficial tutelage of Paris over the former colonies. The French president said the time has come to build bilateral and multilateral relations in a new way.

Nevertheless – according to the report – the French authorities did not abandon their ambitions on the continent. Macron continued the policy of the former French leaders, represented in external control over the political course of African countries through military presence, as well as pressure in favor of French businessmen. The report said that the African continent was a valuable asset for France and a symbol of its greatness.

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