Another Propaganda Act Or Russian Hackers In Action?South Front

May 5, 2023

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Ukrainian Bayraktar Targeted Kiev's Maidan: Another Propaganda Act Or Russian Hackers In Action?

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While the Kiev regime failed to assure the world that Russian forces allegedly attacked the Kremlin, it decided to launch another drone attack. This time, the target was the main square of the Ukrainian capital, Maidan in Kiev.

On the evening of May 4, Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 drone was shot down over Kiev. The show was staged in the city center.

The wreckage fell on a house and caused a fire.




The Ukrainian military confirmed that at about 8 p.m. local time, the device lost control during a scheduled flight and was intercepted by Ukrainian forces.

“Since the uncontrolled presence of UAVs in the sky of the capital could lead to undesirable consequences, it was decided to intercept it by mobile firing groups. The target has been destroyed,” the Ukrainian military command said in a statement.

As the Ukrainian military suggested, the problem was a technical malfunction of the drone.

However, it seems that the “technical malfunction” does not explain the appearance of the UAV in the center of the capital, likely targeting Bankova street or Maidan square.

Bayraktar UAVs are launched from military airfields located in the region to the east of Kiev and are always moving eastward or southward. Today, a UAV equipped with ammo suddenly changed its course line up to 180 degrees, i.e. flew in the opposite direction. When the UAV approached the center of the capital, the Ukrainian military and civilian “enthusiasts” opened fire from all types of fire arms. At the moment when the UAV was flying over the main square it was targeted by air defence missiles. Bayraktar was likely hit by German-made Iris-T anti-missile system.

This is a very strange incident which is not explained by the official claims of the Kiev officials. It is highly likely that after the UAV took off from a military airfield the control of it was intercepted by pro-Russian hacker-activists (highly likely famous Joker DPR Team) in Kiev and the drone redirected to the center of the capital. Panic broke out in the operational center of the Kiev air defence area.

As a result of the incident, the Ukrainian air defence accomplished its peculiar duties. Firstly, Ukrainian servicemen successfully destroyed their own the most expensive UAV. Secondly, they traditionally intercepted their target over the densely populated area and burned down a civilian building. Data on the destruction and casualties have not yet been disclosed.



Thirdly, highly-motivated Ukrainian civilians who were given firearms to fight the Russians, revealed the deployment points of Ukrainian air defence systems. A man filmed his unsuccessful attempt to intercept the Bayraktar but showed an air defence system in action. The video revealed that the Ukrainian military is deploying the air defence systems on the roofs of the civilian multi-storey buildings, making them legitimate targets for Russian strikes.

Ukrainian Bayraktar Targeted Kiev's Maidan: Another Propaganda Act Or Russian Hackers In Action?

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The fourth and most incredible point is that Kiev attempted to use the incident as an illustrative example that Putin “also could launch himself” those ill-fated drones, which the day before exploded over the flagpole with the Russian presidential standard over the Senate Palace in the Kremlin.

It turns out that if Russian hackers are behind the attack, no one who has Bayraktar or other strike UAVs in service is safe, neither Zelensky in The Hague, nor Biden in Washington.


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