April 15 in Topsham, MaineSouth Front

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Protest US-UK-NATO War Policy: April 15 in Topsham, Maine

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We are sure some of SouthFront readers may be interested in the upcoming event in Topsham

Following a great turnout in Westbrook on March 18 where we said NO to war with Russia and China (which you can read about here and here) we’re ready to hit the streets again.

UNAC (United National Antiwar Coalition) has called for groups around the nation to build strong local and regional actions during the week of April 15 – 22. We want to make the connections between the US’s $31 trillion debt, collapsing economy, rotting infrastructure at home and the $113 billion that Biden and Congress have ‘donated’ to Ukraine.

The recent UK government pledge to send DU (Depleted Uranium) tank shells to Ukraine escalates the already deadly conflict. Grave human health and environmental consequences would likely result.

On Saturday, April 15 we will meet at 1:30 pm in Topsham (intersection of Hwy 196 & Hwy 201 — for GPS use Lee Toyota) just near Hwy 295.

People will stand on all four corners holding signs/banners at the very busy intersection. The event will conclude with a circle gathering and sharing our latest concerns. Our demands include:

  • Peace in Ukraine – No weapons, no $$$$ for the Ukraine War
  • Abolish NATO – End U.S. militarism & sanctions!
  • Fund people’s needs, not the war machine!
  • No war with China!
  • Protect Earth’s environment from the deadly insult of war!
  • End U.S. aid to racist apartheid Israel!
  • Fight racism & bigotry not war!
  • U.S. hands off Haiti!
  • End AFRICOM!

Current sponsors are: PeaceWorks of Greater Brunswick; Maine Natural Guard; Maine Green Independent Party; Communist Party of Maine; People’s Party of Maine; Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space; Maine Veterans For Peace

Link to FB event: HERE

For more info call: 207-844-8187

Hope you can join us!

‘Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.’ ~ Henry David Thoreau

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