AU Hands Over 2 More Military Bases to Somali Security Forces

On Wednesday, African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) said that its troops have handed over two more military bases, bringing to four the number of bases that have so far been taken over by the Somali security forces.


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The bases handed over include Adale in Hirshabelle State which was occupied by the Burundi National Defence Forces (BNDF) and Albao in Southwest State, which was under the responsibility of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF).

Jean Claude Niyiburana, ATMIS Burundi contingent commander, handed over the Adale base to Saney Abdulle, Somali National Army (SNA) brigade commander. 

Niyiburana called on the Somali forces taking over the position to remain vigilant and continue the fight to defeat al-Shabaab and secure the local population.

“You know this area better and al-Shabaab continues to target Somali security forces and ATMIS troops across all sectors. Stay vigilant as the enemy does not rest,” Niyiburana said.

The other two military bases that have already been handed over to the SNA include Haji-Ali and Mirtiquo. Milton Katarinyeba, ATMIS military chief of operations officer, appealed to the Somali security forces to protect the local populations from al-Shabaab attacks.

ATMIS is withdrawing 2,000 troops by the end of June in compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2628 and 2670 which require ATMIS to gradually transfer security responsibilities to the Somali security forces.

Abdulle assured that the Somali forces were ready to secure the country and defeat al-Shabab. “We have made progress in the war against al-Shabaab, and we will stay the course and defeat them.”

Steven Kashagama, ATMIS commander of Albao military base, expressed confidence in the SNA to secure the population and defend the area against al-Shabaab.

“We are handing over the security responsibility for Albao and the neighboring areas to the Somali security forces. For the time I have been with them, they have shown charisma, energy, and resilience. I have no doubt they are ready to secure the population,” Kashagama said.

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