Human Rights

Karapatan Monitor for January to June 2024

July 18, 2024 FERDINAND MARCOS JR.’S RANK HYPOCRISY AND DENIALISM IN THE FACE OF ESCALATING HUMAN RIGHTS AND IHL VIOLATIONS Rank hypocrisy and denialism marked the first six months of 2024 under the Marcos Jr. regime. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delved into his
July 18, 2024

Karapatan Monitor for April to June 2023

FERDINAND MARCOS JR.: Successor of His Father’s Reign of Terror and Copy-Cat of Duterte’s Malicious BrutalityMarcos Jr.’s First Year of TerrorAFTER A YEAR IN POWER and fashioning himself like his father, Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has proven to be a virtual clone
March 13, 2024
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Eu qui dicat praesent iracundia, fierent partiendo referrentur ne est, ius ea falli dolor copiosae. Usu atqui veniam ea, his oportere facilisis suscipiantur ei. Qui in meliore conceptam, nam esse option eu. Oratio voluptatibus ex vel.


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