China and Cambodia successfully conclude Golden Dragon

April 7, 2023

China and Cambodia successfully concluded the 5th “Golden Dragon”, a joint military exercise at the Royal Gendarmerie Training Center


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In the closing ceremony were present: Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Gen. Tea Banh and Vice Admiral Wei Wenhui, deputy commander of the Southern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, as well as Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian.

“This joint exercise has strengthened the capacities of the two militaries, further enhanced the spirit of solidarity, traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries and peoples, and contributed to protecting peace and stability in the region and in the world,” Tea Banh said when speaking at the event.

Banh also stated: “The Golden Dragon joint military exercises of 2023 presented to the world a clear demonstration of the unbreakable bonds of steel that form the friendship between Cambodia and China, which have been carefully nurtured by the previous generations of leaders of both countries and have continued to grow stronger for 65 years since diplomatic ties were first established, setting an example for a new kind of international relations.”

He added that the joint exercise’s successful conclusion comes as part of the opening of the Year of Friendship between Cambodia and China, which was set up in part to celebrate the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

“These joint exercises are very important to the security strategy of the Cambodia-China relationship, and they have become even more necessary in the context of the changes and challenges taking place in the world nowadays,” he said.

Banh reiterated that the joint exercise demonstrated the unbreakable friendship between Cambodia and China and how their cooperation is geared towards win-win results and mutual benefit.

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