Colombian President Compares Israeli Attacks With Nazi Crimes

On Tuesday, the president of Colombia Gustavo Petro compared the situation in Gaza with the actions of the Nazis in World War II.


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“Gaza today appears as destroyed or more destroyed than the Warsaw ghetto after it was destroyed by Nazi barbarity in retaliation to the Jewish and socialist insurrection in that concentration camp,” he said through his X account.

Since the weekend, when the actions of the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas began, Petro has published several messages expressing his support for the Palestinian cause.

“One hundred and forty Palestinian children have died in bombings. They were not Hamas militants,” he said, commenting that “Hamas and the Israeli right feed each other in blood.”

This message appeared in a post accompanied by images by Palestinian activist Noura Sami, showing the destruction caused in Gaza by Israeli bombings.

“The Colombian Government supports the United Nations resolutions in which two free states are advocated: one Israeli and the other Palestinian. It recognizes the two states and requests the State of Israel to stop militarily occupying the Palestinian state,” Petro stressed.

International Jewish organizations have harshly criticized the Colombian president’s comments. On Tuesday, in response to these criticisms, Petro said that a good part of the Colombian press “has fallen into the propaganda of international Zionism that supports the Israeli extreme right in power and that rejects a peaceful solution to the 75-year conflict.”

The death toll and injuries from Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip rose to 830 and 4,250, respectively, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

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