International League of Peoples’ Struggle Commission 10

The Commission on Rights of Indigenous Peoples, National Minorities, Oppressed Nationalities and Nations of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) is one with solidarity and social movements, and the peoples across the world in commemorating the International Human Rights Day.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights embodies the most basic, fundamental, and inalienable individual and collective rights of the people. These rights, however, specifically the right to live a life with dignity and with equal rights, are constantly under attack by various states and imperialist powers like the US, UK, and EU bloc. Global capitalism and neoliberal system inherently undermine human rights through the exploitation, and even annihilation of peoples. Capitalism profits from the misery of peoples.

In Palestine, the US government and its military complex, the UK, Germany, and Italy are key imperialist countries supporting the fascist Israeli regime in decimating the Palestinian peoples. From 1946 to 2023, the US government alone and its corporate patrons have channeled USD124 billion military aid to Zionists’ settler colonialism. In this year, they have funded the killings of Palestinians to the tune of USD3.8 billion. Multinational corporations and corporations supplying military equipment to fascist states are the main benefactors profiteering from the violation of human rights and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of peoples across the world.

The plight of Palestinian peoples magnifies the declining state of human rights, but their perseverance must inflame our continuous resistance and struggle for self-determination. Oppressed nations and peoples from West Papua, Burma, indigenous peoples in the Amazon, the aboriginal Maori in Austalia, and elsewhere in the world have the right to resist annihilation in every possible way. Any form of exploitation and oppression must be confronted by resistance, a right of peoples that has been guaranteed by international law.

We must link up our struggle against local reactionary and far-right regimes into global capitalist system that perpetrates settler colonialism, racial capitalism, and the exploitation of peoples. For only with our solidarity and radical movement we can be free from oppression and exploitation.

Peoples of imperialist countries must demand from their government to cease the funding of genocide and other forms of oppression overseas. They must speak up, mobilize, and denounce the violence that indigenous peoples, oppressed nations and peoples, and support their struggle in resisting annihilation.###

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