One year of war: Stop censoring truth in Gaza

Altermidya Network denounces the relentless killing of journalists amid US-supported Israel’s war on Gaza. A year later, at least 128 journalists were killed, the majority of whom were Palestinians. Alongside them were a significant number of journalists that were arrested, injured, missing, and threatened.

There is no doubt that Israel’s war deliberately targets journalists and civilians. This holds true with the recent killing of 19-year old Palestinian journalist Hassan Hamad in Gaza for documenting the war’s destruction. It speaks volumes of the willful act of Israel to erase information necessary for the people to hold them accountable.

We likewise condemn Israel’s deliberate censorship of Al Jazeera, which undermines press freedom.

The attacks on journalists and censorship have implications on the people’s right to information. The world deserves to know what is truly happening in Gaza. Providing the right information is crucial for people to make decisive and collective actions in pursuit of justice.

We salute the courage of all martyred journalists in Gaza who have reported the truth in the face of danger and reiterate that the killings have to stop. Journalists should freely perform their duties – to report the continued sufferings of the Palestinians at the hands of Israel – without fear of retaliation.

We should not allow the stories of the Palestinians to be buried under the ruins of these wars of aggression. We must continue to speak out and urge authorities to address the systemic roots of these conflicts.

Altermidya Network joins other media organizations across the world in demanding justice for journalists in Gaza who were victims of human rights violations and holding the US and Israel into account.

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