PRWC » Condemn Israel’s intensified bombing of Gaza amid calls for humanitarian truce

October 29, 2023

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people and peoples across the world in condemning the Zionist government of Israel for ordering the further intensification of the bombing of Gaza, where more than two million Palestinians are now suffering a humanitarian catastrophe.

The further intensification of the bombing comes a day after the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of calling for a humanitarian truce to put a stop to the genocide against the Palestinian people. The Filipino people condemns the Marcos regime for abstaning in the vote, by way of giving Israel support for the slaughter of Palestinians.

With the support of the US imperialists, Zionist Israel continues to commit monstrous and vicious crimes against humanity in total disregard of international humanitarian law. It has killed 7,703 people, including more than 3,595 children, in non-stop bombardment.

Calls for the ouster of the Netanyahu government are growing stronger. In order to put a stop to this genocide, the fascist rulers of Israel must be overthrown and be made to answer for all their crimes.

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