PRWC » NPA harassment, fascist 87th IB soldier killed

July 8, 2024

The New People’s Army (NPA)-Western Samar (Arnulfo Ortiz Command) launched a harassment operation against the fascist 87th IB soldiers in Barangay Nagbac, Jiabong, Samar on June 23. One soldier was killed in the attack.

The 87th IB unit is sowing fear and terror in the community under the guise of the Retooled Community Support Program. Residents report that they have been encamped near houses since January to provide “social services.”

Meanwhile, residents of Sitio San Pedro, Barangay 3, San Jose de Buan, Samar gathered in an assembly last week of June to express their opposition to the encampment of an 87th IB unit in their community. In the first week of June, soldiers started to fence off the area for the planned detachment.

To destroy the unity of the barriofolk, soldiers threatened the barangay captain, the sitio leader and councilors. They said the community will be held accountable and imprisoned if the NPA attacked them again in the area.

Even without the detachment, San Pedro has been militarized since January. A growing number of human rights violations have been recorded.

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