PRWC » Rallies commemorate bogus independence day

HERE AND ABROAD, national-democratic groups protested to condemn the continued US imperialist neocolonial rule in the country on June 12, the day of the country’s false independence.

They marched towards the US embassy on Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City and called on the Filipino people to expose and oppose US imperialism and fight for genuine freedom and democracy in the Philippines.

Meanwhile, democratic organizations from Southern Tagalog held a caravan in the towns of Cavite, including Kawit where the false independence of the Philippines was declared. In Cebu City, Bayan-Central Visayas also held a demonstration on Colon Street.

Various activities and actions were launched in San Francisco and Los Angeles in California, in Washington, Chicago and Oregon.

Meanwhile, chapters of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines from different regions and its allied organizations issued statements regarding the bogus independence day. They said attaining genuine freedom for the Philippines can only be achieved through the victory of the people’s democratic revolution.

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