PRWC » Statement on the recent RJPC-NPA harassment action in Calatrava

Last week, a unit of Roselyn Jean Pelle Command-New People’s Army (RJPC-NPA) harassed an operating column of #DiMasaligan79IB in Sitio Agtatahor 1, Barangay Macasilao, Calatrava, Negros Occidental. The said column of fascist soldiers were part of a large force conducting military and psywar campaign in the area and other adjacent contiguous villages.

Fully aware of the fact that these fascist soldiers have been using the civilian populace as human shield, the comrades employed selective rifle fire aimed only at enemy combatants and refrained from using grenades and other explosives.

Past 9 am of October 6, while the enemy were busy preparing for breakfast, the comrades opened fire from their well-camouflaged elevated position several meters away inflicting scores of casualties. Caught by total surprise, they scampered in different location and in a state of frenzy returned fire indiscriminately with automatic weapons and grenade launchers thereby endangering the civilians nearby. The comrades safely withdrew without any injuries.

#DiMasaligan79IB immediately sealed off the area after the harassment action to prevent the public from having a glimpse of their casualties.

Unmasking #DiMasaligan79IB Lies

When the news of RJPC-NPA harassment action broke out, #DiMalasaligan79IB paid hacks tried to spin it as an “encounter”. As usual, they churned out a template PR that depict an imaginary civilian tipster/s providing information on NPA whereabouts that resulted in subsequent armed engagement on their initiative.

But as it become too apparent that incident is an NPA action or initiative, the #DiMasaligan79IB paid hacks suddenly changed their tune. They now hyped their baseless propaganda line of NPA “disturbing” the peace and “terrorizing” the people.

Since May, #DiMasaligan79IB have been encamping in population centers of Macasilao subjecting its people and nearby areas to incessant political harassment, coercion, intimidation, extra-judicial killings and other vicious forms of fascist terrorism. Aside from these, fascist soldiers were also engaged various anti-social activities like excessive drinking and gambling that resulted in brawl and infighting among themselves up to late at night that disturbed the peaceful sleep of the residents.

RJPC-NPA is ever determined to frustrate every campaign of encirclement and suppression of the enemy with an offensive spirit and unbreakable will to overcome all difficulties no matter how immense under the guidance and correct leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines.###

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