Register now for the next meeting of the Interfaith Network

Dear friends,

The International Interfaith Network of ICHRP will have its next general meeting on Tuesday, July 16, at 6am PDT / 9am EDT / 3pm CEST / 9pm PHT / 11pm AEST. The meeting will be held on Zoom, and all are welcome to attend, whether they have joined a meeting in the past or not. We will focus the discussion on the results of the recent International People’s Tribunal, and how the interfaith community can take action in response to the guilty verdict against Marcos Jr, Duterte, and Biden.

The International Interfaith Network is a network of dozens of faith organizations and individuals from around the world who are united in defending human rights in the Philippines. 

To join the meeting on July 16, you will have to register on Zoom. Register for the July 16 meeting of the Interfaith Network at this link.

In solidarity,
International Interfaith Network Coordinators

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International Coalition For Human Rights in the Philippines

The International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines is a global network of organizations, concerned about the human rights situation in the Philippines and committed to campaign for just and lasting peace in the country.

It aims to inform the international community about the grave human rights situation in the Philippines today.

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