Terrorist designation of IP activists reignites call for terror law repeal


BAGUIO CITY — The terrorist designation of four Cordillera activists by the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) of the Philippines has again sparked calls from national and international organizations to repeal Republic Act No. 11479 or the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020.

Civicus, a global alliance of civil society organizations, expressed alarm over the “arbitrary and baseless designation.

The group said this highlights the concerns raised against RA 11479, “particularly on the weaponization of the draconian law against political dissent and human rights work and advocacy in the Philippines.” The ATC’s action also poses grave implications for due process, leading to warrantless arrests and undermining the rights of the activists.

On June 7, the ATC approved Resolution No. 41 s. 2023, designating Sarah Abellon Alikes, Jennifer Awingan, Windel Bolinget, and Stephen Tauli, leaders of the Cordillera People’s Alliance (CPA), as terrorists. Also tagged in the document was May Vargas-Casilao from Panalipdan! Mindanao.

The designation was made public on July 10, followed by the freezing of their bank accounts.

Undermines rightful demands

Meanwhile, the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP), an organization of protestant churches, said the ATC’s action undermines the people’s legitimate demands and silences those advocating for rights to life and land.

The church group emphasized that the designated individuals are “actively involved in defending the rights of the indigenous peoples and national minorities.”

NCCP said: “They have been at the forefront of standing against development aggression projects detrimental to the land and life of the indigenous peoples in the Philippines, such as large-scale mining projects and mega-dams that cause immeasurable environmental devastation that negatively impacts their communities,”

They noted that the tagged individuals “have long been targeted and had faced attacks because of the crucial and critical work in defending their land and the people.”

“The ATC designation shows the continuing pattern of attacks against them, putting their life and liberty at risk,” NCCP added.

Global response

Earlier, Beverly Longid, the global coordinator of the International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), raised the issue during the 16th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) on July 17-22, in Geneva.

EMRIP provides expert advice to the Human Rights Council on matters and issues about Indigenous Peoples and aids UN members in fulfilling their obligations under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

“Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue and addressing the root causes of grievances, the Philippine government chooses to employ repressive tactics, instilling fear and stigmatizing those who advocate for the rights of marginalized communities,” said the Kankanaey activist from Sagada, Mountain Province.

According to her, the terrorist designation is not an isolated incident but part of an ongoing pattern of attacks against CPA.

Longid added that the freezing of CPA bank accounts by the Anti-Money Laundering Council obstructs their work in providing crucial social services to indigenous communities.

” This denial of funds deprives indigenous communities in the Cordillera of valuable resources for relief, especially during times of disasters and calamities,” she added.

NCCP, CIVICUS, and IPMSDL have called for repealing the Anti-Terrorism Law, saying that its misuse to stifle legitimate dissent and target activists and human rights defenders severely threatens democratic values and human rights in the Philippines.

ATC’s action has also drawn international attention, and various organizations are calling on the United Nations and its agencies to take action. They have appealed for urgent communications to urge the Philippine government to withdraw the terrorist designation and ensure the safety and human rights of the activists. # nordis.net

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