Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And SobchakSouth Front

July 16, 2023

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Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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On July 15, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) reported that Kiev was preparing attempts on editor-in-chief of Russia Today Margarita Simonyan and Russian public figure Ksenia Sobchak.

Together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee, the FSB thwarted the attacks and detained Kiev’s puppets in Russia. They turned out to be members of the neo-Nazi group “Paragraph-88”, who conducted reconnaissance near the places of work and residence of the victims.

The attackers were detained on July 14 in Moscow and the Ryazan region.

The detainees admitted that they were preparing the murder of Margarita Simonyan and Ksenia Sobchak on the instructions of the Security Service of Ukraine for a reward of 1.5 million rubles for each murder.



I am Mikhail Mikhailovich Balashov, born on 27.03.2005. I created a neo-Nazi group Paragraph 88, and invited my underage friends. We began our activities, committing attacks on non-Slavic persons. Later, the special services of Ukraine contacted me. At first, we were offered to set fire to relay cupboards. After that, we were offered to murder of Margarita Simonyan and Ksenia Sobchak for money. I conducted a reconnaissance at the place of residence of Margarita Simonyan, for which I received money. After that, I contacted my mentor, who was supposed to leave me a Kalashnikov assault rifle and money. When I arrived at the place where this weapon was supposed to be, I was caught by the Russian special services.

A Kalashnikov assault rifle, dozens of cartridges, as well as knives, brass knuckles, batons as well as Nazi symbols and literature were seized from the detainees. Also, during the investigative actions, the means of communication and computers of the suspects which confirmed their criminal intentions.

Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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Currently, the investigation is ongoing. Moscow is supposed to launch criminal cases under the article on terrorism.

Several months ago, the FSB reported on the detention of a group of neo-Nazis who were preparing an assassination attempt on TV host Vladimir Solovyov. The detainees then revealed that the murders of other Russian public figures who allegedly “spread propaganda” were planned and coordinated by the Kiev regime. The targets included RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan.

In recent months, Simonyan reported that at least two suspicious parcels with traces of explosives came to the RT office. She explained that she is under state protection and all her parcels are checked by “good people in uniform.”

Terrorist Kiev Regime Prepared Attempts On Russian Opinion Leaders Simonyan And Sobchak

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Simonyan has always supported Russian policy, including in Ukraine. In her turn, Sobchak left Russia after a criminal case was launched against her business manager in 2022. She travelled to Ukraine in 2014 to support the protesters on Maidan, claimed that Crimea was Ukrainian territory and did not support the special military operation in Ukraine. She is considered to be one of the main voices of liberal elites in Russia.

Today, the Kiev regime she supported attempted to kill her in order to gain some hype, threaten the Russians and spread panic among the Russian population. This is another signal to pro-Western Kiev’s supporters in Russia. Ukrainian propaganda and Nazis in power in Ukraine do not divide Russians into “good and bad”, but they wish death to the entire Russian people. Extreme Russophobia planted in Ukraine has become one of the main reasons for the entry of Russian forces into the conflict in the Donbass.

The terrorist warfare of the Kiev regime is not new. Daria Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin) fell victims of Ukrainian terror but became symbols of the Russian struggle. Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin was also recently targeted by Ukrainian terrorists, but survived the attack. Many other public figures and employees of the security services in Russia and the L/DNR, Kherson, Zaporozhye regions were cowardly murdered by the Ukrainian Nazis.

Kiev’s terrorist attempts continue, instilling in the Russian population more and more faith in the rightness and nobility of their struggle against the regime in Ukraine and its Western patrons. While the West continues to hide Nazism in Ukraine from the audience of the mainstream media.


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