Ukrainian Nazis Killed Civilians In Ugledar RegionSouth Front

July 17, 2023

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Russian drone spotted a group of Ukrainian militants hiding south-east of Ugledar. Ukrainian servicemen wanted to establish their military positions the fields located in the gray zone.

The group arrived in a Cossak armored vehicle. While Russian forces were preparing their artillery to hit the enemy, Ukrainians hided in the forest near the road. Ukrainian militants were likely informed that a civilian car was moving along their route.

Ukrainians did bother to figure out who was in the car. They ambushed it and killed the driver and his passenger on the spot.

After they realised that they had committed another war crime and killed civilians, Ukrainians attempted to hide the bodies in the forest. One of the servicemen attempted to save life of the passenger, but his comrad is seen ordering him to stop wasting time.

Meanwhile, Russian artillery shelled the area and likely scared the militants, who left the bodies by the roadside and fled in panic.


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