Venezuela and Cuba Ratify Anti-Imperialist Position in Brussels

July 17, 2023

On Sunday, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Yván Gil, and Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, held a meeting in the Belgian capital, Brussels, where they traveled to attend the III Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union (EU), scheduled for July 17 and 18.

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Both diplomats reviewed the relations of fraternity and solidarity that unite both peoples, ratified their anti-imperialist position and rejected the unilateral coercive measures and the blockade imposed by the United States on both countries.

Moreover, they also stressed the importance of the unity of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to form a large bloc to put an end to U.S. hegemony, which is totally harmful to the peoples of the world.

Furthermore, they also referred to the will of their governments to work for a fairer world, based on fundamental principles such as the right to sovereignty and self-determination of the peoples.

Gil used the opportunity to greet Cuban President Miguel Díaz Canel, describing the Cuban leader as a “friend and ally of just causes” in a message broadcasted on Twitter, as well as a “great defender of the sovereignty of the peoples.”

This Sunday, Venezuela’s Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, who heads the Venezuelan delegation participating in the CELAC-EU Summit, arrived in Brussels. Rodriguez stressed that the Bolivarian Peace Diplomacy advocates relations of respect among equals and is the voice of the peoples in the world.

Conceived with a strategic character, the relations between Cuba and Venezuela were strengthened since the year 2000, after the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez to the presidency and thanks to the brotherhood between him and the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

These ties have been strengthened during the administration of President Nicolás Maduro and have materialized in the signing of several cooperation agreements in areas such as health, economy, education, sports and culture, among others.

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