Venezuela Receives Millionaire Lot of Insulin Doses From Russia | News

July 20, 2023

On Wednesday, as part of the agreement between the Russian company Geropharm and the Venezuelan company Espromed Bio, a batch of more than 1.1 million containers of insulin arrived in Venezuela.

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“The current batch of medicines includes more than 1.1 million containers of recombinant rapid and intermediate-acting human insulins: Rinsulin R and Rinsulin NPH,” Geropharm said in a press release.

In addition, according to the company, the batch will cover the needs of all patients in the country who require insulin treatment for a period of up to three months.

According to the note, Geropharm also sent more than 40,000 modern reusable insulin syringe pens, which allow for a more comfortable and safer use of the drugs.

The general director of Geropharm, Pyotr Rodyonov, pointed out that the cooperation between the governments of Caracas and Moscow makes it possible to guarantee the treatment of patients with diabetes.

The Russian company pointed out that, according to official data, there are more than two million patients with diabetes mellitus in Venezuela.

The cooperation between the two countries is part of the framework agreement on strategic trade partnership, signed at the 2019 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

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