2 Top Mexican Officials Resign in Order To Run For 2024 Election

June 13, 2023

Two high-level Mexican politicians have said they will resign from their current positions in order to seek the nomination of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) party in the 2024 presidential election.

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On Monday, according to official statements, Mexico City Mayo Claudia Sheinbaum and Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard declared that they will resign their current position because they are seeking to succeed current president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who is also the MORENA leader.

According to Sheinbaum’s statement, her resignation will be effective on June 16 ; she also said that she aims to “to become the first woman in the history of Mexico to lead the destinies of the nation”, adding that she hopes to put her “own stamp” on the “great work of transformation” initiated AMLO.

“It’s the time for women,” Sheinbaum said, echoing a tagline for her campaign. In a speech, she highlighted her background as a scientist and environmentalist and underscored that “Mexicans are very much willing to have a woman president”.

On the other hand, on Monday noon, Ebrard resigned his post in order to start a nationwide tour to advance AMLO’s agenda.

“Let’s build the continuation, the next stage in the fourth transformation,” he said, referencing the “fourth transformation” term, which AMLO uses to describe his vision for the future of Mexico.

Over the weekend, MORENA declared that potential candidates should step down from their current posts to create a more level playing field.Final del formulario The MORENA party, is considered the favorite in the upcoming presidential elections, set for June 2024.

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