Ang Bayan Ngayon » Nexperia management interferes in workers’ strike vote

July 19, 2024

The workers of Nexperia and its union Nexperia Workers Philippines Inc. Workers Union (NWPIWU)-NAFLU-KMU were forced to postpone its planned strike vote today due to the harassment and brazen interference of the management and its personnel in the union’s activities. On June 26, the union filed a Notice of Strike (NOS) with the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB) Region IV-A in Calamba, Laguna.

The union decided to file an NOS due to unfair working conditions including firing of union officials, suspension of union members and violation of provisions stated and agreed upon in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

NWPIWU-NAFLU-KMU stated their polling was suppressed by the conditions laid down by the management on the use of the company’s facility. Its unfair conditions include ID tapping, ballot stamping and the appointment of management representatives in the poll.

The workers strongly denounced this as it was against their workers’ and union rights. The union rejected ID tapping because it could be used to profile voting workers. They opposed the appointment of a company representative because the poll was purely a union activity and had nothing to do with management.

The union said “if the RCMB is present for the integrity of the election, the union has allowed it to sign the ballot.” These conditions are clear company interference with the union. “According to the law, they should be mere observers and not interfering with our union,” he said.

This prompted the union’s decision to postpone and move the polling date. “Management is apparently afraid because the workers show a strong and solid unity to defend and fight for its future and livelihood even if we resort to the ultimate action, the strike!” the union stressed.

The National Federation of Labor Unions-Kilusang Mayo Uno, which covers the union, extended its support to the workers’ decision. “[The company] fears the ability of workers to stop production that will lead to the loss of profits they are protecting with layoffs,” the federation said.

It urged all NPIWU members to vote ‘yes’ in the future strike vote.

Meanwhile, the union held a protest yesterday outside Light Industry and Science Park 1 in Barangay Diezmo, Cabuyao, Laguna where the company is located. This was in preparation for the strike vote.

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