Ang Bayan Ngayon » Revolutionary forces and masses in Ilocos-Cordillera celebrate the 55th anniversary of the NPA

April 3, 2024

Full of revolutionary enthusiasm and joy, the revolutionary forces and the masses celebrated the 55th anniversary of the New People’s Army in different parts of Ilocos and Cordillera, including the urban areas of the region.

Celebrations were held in various gatherings such as in AKP and IKP studies in the last week of March. The Red NPA commanders and fighters saluted and paid tribute to the greatness of the revolutionary martyrs.

During the celebration, the statement of the Central Committee of the Party for the 55th anniversary of the NPA was read and discussed. The historical establishment of the NPA was traced back and its achievements highlighted — from being a small squad with a few weapons, it succeeded in growing, expanding, and bleeding the enemy through eight reactionary regimes. In the Ilocos and Cordillera, the dictatorship of the Marcos Sr. regime’s immposition of martial law failed in its promise to “nip in the bud” the then emerging revolutionary armed movement in the region. Instead, this period saw the formation of the first platoon of the NPA in Ilocos borne from the struggle against high land rents and usury by landlords. Meanwhile, NPA companies and battalions were formed in the Cordillera from the struggle of the Igorot national minority against fascism and the violation of their right to self-determination. Their struggles included the destructive Chico Dam and Cellophil projects of the US-Marcos Sr. regime.

During the celebration, the comrades were encouraged to study, draw lessons from experiences and remember the martyrs of the Red army to serve as sources of strength for themselves and their collectives.

The celebrations became an occasion to remind comrades of the instructions of the Party leadership on the critical and urgent tasks of strengthening the Party and the Red Army and promoting the people’s democratic revolution, to vigorously and decisively implement the rectification movement and to all-sidedly advance the revolution. The need to overcome military conservatism and strict adherence to the principles and tactics of guerrilla warfare in promoting armed struggle, in order to recover from failures and retreats, were highlighted.

The revolutionary forces in the urban areas were reminded of the strict commitment to the two major duties of the revolutionary mass movement to lead the anti-feudal, anti-imperialist, and anti-US-Marcos dictatorship struggle and to strengthen the NPA. It was mentioned that neither of the two major duties should be favored over the other and that they should be implemented simultaneously. Let us exhaust all efforts to promote the advancement of the revolutionary mass movement and address the strengthening of the NPA because this is the only weapon of the people to defend what they have achieved in their historical anti-feudal and anti-imperialist struggle.

The gatherings urged the younger cadres to spend time in the Red army and use the opportunities to learn, train and become good political and military people’s fighters. For the older comrades, it’s not too late and there’s still much they can do, even taking up arms and even becoming a Red commander. The senior comrades were also encouraged, in addition to continuing to be active until “retirement,” to spend time teaching the young cadres their rich experiences in revolutionary work.

The celebrations were enlivened by cultural performances such as poetry readings, dances and collective singing of revolutionary songs and parties.

The celebrations in the Ilocos-Cordillera are a slap in the face of the AFP’s Northern Luzon Command which declared that the guerilla and revolutionary movements of the region have been crushed. On full alert while posting and surveilling even in the cities and urban centers, AFP and PNP forces looked stupid when under their noses the revolutionary forces were raising their fists and echoing their vows to advance the people’s war on the 55th anniversary of the NPA.

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News and information about the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA), and the Philippine revolution.

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