Balik-Tanaw | But who do you say that I am?

August 27, 2023

Redemptorist Lay Missionary

Isaiah 22:19-23 22:19-23
Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 6, 8
Rom 11:33-36:
Mt 16:13-20

This Sunday’s readings are focused on three issues: first, on authority (Is 22:19-23), second, on knowledge of God (Rom 11:33-3), third, on the identity of Jesus (Mt 16:13-20). At first glance, they seem to be unrelated to one another, but on deep examination, they are really pointing to a single direction. And that is, the way to our salvation. The mission of Jesus as leading us the WAY, seeking out the TRUTH and urging us to aspire for what is truly LIFE-GIVING. These three related important values in life fully capture this salvation framework.

The first step on the way to salvation is to follow the instructions or authority of God. “The Lord will remove you from office and bring you down from your high position” (Is 22:19). This means that we must conform to the overall plan of God. Government authority like Shebna, whom Isaiah is referring to, whose concern is only his personal interest, and not the interest of the people, will be toppled down.

Here in the Philippines, a few weeks ago, the Maharlika Fund was just signed into law. But the big question is, who will benefit from this 500 billion profit driven project? On the list of the possible investments, there is never mention of land reform which will supposedly benefit the 75 percent of our population. There is no mention of national industrialization which will supposedly ease out the massive unemployment and put an end to the debilitating export-import orientation of our economy. According to Gustavo Gutierrez, “The only authority given to us by God is to love and serve others.” I believe the authority of the current administration is too far away from God’s sense of Authority. Like Shebna, this kind of exploitative and abusive authority will be toppled down.

The second step on the way to salvation is knowing and abiding by the truth. “For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever” (Rom 11:36). If we want to be saved, we cannot set aside the truth that Jesus is the way. We have to undergo the pattern set for us by Jesus; and that is, all of us have to experience the passion, death and resurrection in the particular context of our lives.

Here in the Philippines a lot of people have been fooled to follow the lie and deception instead of truth and the way of our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of treading the path of integral salvation or salvation history, many prefer to believe in the historical distortion peddled by the current administration. Eventually, many of us are living on illusions and false hope. Soon, many will suffer the consequences of their arrogance and pride. They thought they know better than God.

Many of us try to run and hide from the truth because truth hurts. But there is a curative effect in facing the truth. The truth will set us free. Once we are free from falsity, we are restored to our health and begin to flourish once again.

The third and final way to salvation is to know who Jesus really is and must follow his instructions. Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God (Mt 16:16). We must follow the source and author of life. The problem is, we often do not understand the paradox of life. Those who preserve their life for selfish reasons will lose it, and those who let go of their life for the sake of others will have it (Lk 17:33).

In other words, in following Jesus, we are designed to inherit the divine life, because Jesus is the son the living God. Life is not just being able to work, eat and sleep. We are destined to glorify the goodness of God in our lives by participating in the liberating service of the Kingdom of God. Life is a restoration of relationship back to the original justice of creation. Sadly, what lies ahead of us is not life but continuing imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. These social maladies are even made worse by historical distortion. Thus, we pray for our nation to reject the false authority, abhor the untruth, free ourselves from the death dealing social systems that are controlling our society. What we need to follow is the authority of God (unconditional love), the truth of God (wisdom), and finally the life of God (losing oneself in service of others. (

Balik-Tanaw is a group blog of Promotion of Church People’s Response. The Lectionary Gospel reflection is an invitation for meditation, contemplation, and action. As we nurture our faith by committing ourselves to journey with the people, we also wish to nourish the perspective coming from the point of view of hope and struggle of the people. It is our constant longing that even as crisis intensifies, the faithful will continue to strengthen their commitment to love God and our neighbor by being one with the people in their dreams and aspirations. The Title of the Lectionary Reflection would be Balik –Tanaw , isang PAGNINILAY . It is about looking back (balik) or revisiting the narratives and stories from the Biblical text and seeing, reading, and reflecting on these with the current context (tanaw).

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