China Pushes for Sustainable & Inclusive Growth Worldwide -UNGA

September 22, 2023

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng pledged to continue to push forward the Global Development Initiative and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) held in New York City.


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Han reaffirmed China’s commitment to boosting sustainable and inclusive growth through deeper global cooperation during his participation in the UNGA General Debate and related events, including the UN Summit on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the high-level meeting on Cooperation Results in the Global Development Initiative hosted by China.

During a speech at the SDG Summit, Han said China seeks to combine the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its national medium- and long-term development strategies, and always integrates its own development with global prosperity and stability.

China, he said, will actively assist countries in the Global South with concrete actions and continue to work with all parties to make positive contributions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals on time and build a global development community.

In this regard, Han outlined a four-point proposal to address global problems. The proposal includes upholding equity and justice and maintaining peace and security; pursuing mutual benefit, generating win-win outcomes and achieving development for all; maintaining openness and inclusiveness and promoting human civilization; as well as being loyal to multilateralism and improving global governance.

One convergence of development strategies lies in green development. Over the years, China has led by example by setting clear carbon emission reduction targets and prioritizing green development in its development plans, and has spearheaded global efforts for a shared low-carbon future.

Meeting with U.S. Special Presidential Climate Envoy

During a meeting with U.S. Special Presidential Climate Envoy John Kerry on the sidelines of the UNGA, Han affirmed that China will maintain its unwavering commitment to work toward the twin goals of achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.

China has always been a staunch practitioner in the fight against climate change and will fully implement the goals of the Paris Agreement, he said, adding that maintaining China-US dialogue and cooperation on climate change is of great importance to both countries and the whole world.

In addition to contributing to global growth with its own development momentum and wisdom, China, as always, actively puts forward new visions and proposals together with other countries for a better and sustainable shared future.

High-level meeting on the results of the Global Development Initiative cooperation

As another highlight of this week’s UN events, China on Tuesday hosted a high-level meeting on the Global Development Initiative Cooperation Results to review the dividends of past cooperation and reach consensus for further engagement with the Global Development Initiative.

China is willing to work with all parties to push for solid and steady progress of the GDI, Han said. The Chinese side also hopes to make joint efforts with all parties to gather solid forces for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and build a global development community, he said, noting that both the aspiration of the GDI and the goal of the UN is that no country or person should be left behind on the path of development.

Exactly two years ago, on September 21, 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping raised this idea of development in the general debate of the 76th session of the UNGA, which then became a global public good.

Through the Global Development Initiative, China joins other countries around the world in leading a new model of international development cooperation, and calls for revitalizing economic recovery through technological innovation, enhancing a fair and equitable global governance system, and taking collective action to build a global development community with a shared future.

In the past two years, Han noted, the countries that have endorsed the Global Development Initiative, through concerted efforts, “cast the Yes vote” for development, expanded the “circle of friends” for cooperation, enriched the “resource pool” for development, and built the “toolkit” for joint development.

In particular, more than 70 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the GDI, and nearly 200 cooperation projects have been included in the GDI project pool. China has also established a special $10 billion fund to implement the GDI.

Two years later, the Global Development Initiative continues to gain momentum. It is now more than a development idea proposed by China; it is already a common ideal of solidarity that is gaining increasing attention, support and wisdom.

China will always be part of the big family of developing countries

China remains committed to opening up more to the world, remains committed to an independent foreign policy, remains committed to safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will always be a member of the big family of developing countries said the Chinese vice president.

“We breathe the same air as developing countries and share the same future. We will be firm in defending the legitimate interests of developing countries. We support and respect their efforts to independently determine development paths, always considering national conditions,” Han stressed. 

Han Zheng urged to continue to promote human civilization, because in its diversity lies the fundamental asset of development, for the sake of nations prospering on a respectful basis and pursuing collective gain.

“Human rights must be promoted and protected. This is something that all countries are calling for and it is about ensuring a good life for all. We can only develop human rights if we adjust to national needs. We must advance the international cause of human rights,” he insisted.

In this regard, he called for the defense of multilateralism to improve global governance, and called on the United Nations to advance in the areas of security, development and human rights in a balanced manner, so that all nations safeguard universal security.

The vice president noted that the international security situation is worrisome because of development gaps, the occurrence of natural disasters and the increase in weather patterns.

“We have to address the concerns of all countries, and resolve differences and disputes peacefully, through dialogue and consultation. Dialogue is an important way to achieve international cooperation in the field of security and parties in conflict or confrontation cannot forget it,” he stressed.

China and the international situation

The Chinese Vice President said his country supports efforts leading to a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Ukraine, while being ready to play a constructive role in achieving peace.

Han stressed that “China supports the Cuban people in their just struggle to defend their sovereignty and opposes the blockade and external interference. We appreciate Cuba’s efforts to combat terrorism.”

On tensions in the Middle East, Han stressed that Beijing “will continue to support the Palestinian people in the pursuit of the just cause of regaining their national rights.” He likewise stressed that China “respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.”

“China opposes power politics, unilateralism and the Cold War mentality. A small number of countries have arbitrarily imposed illegal and unilateral sanctions, undermining the harmony of stability and international relations,” the Chinese vice president commented, stressing that the international community should “resist” such acts.

As for the proliferation of nuclear weapons, Beijing stressed that such weapons “cannot and should not be used”. “China is the only country among the five permanent members of the Security Council that has pledged not to resort to nuclear weapons,” Han said. 

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