CIA vs KGB In Modern Propaganda Video Fight. Decide Who’s Dumber And Whose Side You’re OnSouth Front

May 18, 2023

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CIA vs KGB In Modern Propaganda Video Fight. Decide Who's Dumber And Whose Side You're On

A sarcastic promotion video calling for U.S. citizens to join Russian hackers spread across Russian social networks on May 16. Today, few people in Russia are really interested in what is happening in the U.S., they have enough problems of their own.

But the witty taunt was duly appreciated. In their turn, some Americans took the video seriously, because they, too, are primarily interested in their own problems, and they are seen more outside the window than in the MSM.


The narrator, with a terrible accent, speaks pathetically about the problems of the United States. What is this nonsense? Is this such a propaganda thing? Yes and no. This is simply a scintillating response to a CIA propaganda video posted on the organization’s official social media pages.

Someone at the CIA apparently decided to launder another million dollars. Recently, they cooked up an “ingenious” appeal to Russian citizens, especially high-ranking officials. Russian bureaucrats, who live in villas and use cars with state flags, are invited to betray their homeland in the name of some “evolutionary changes”.


Unlike the Russian sarcasm, the American video seems to be shot in all seriousness. We see the locations of some Eastern European cities (Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, on your choice) mixed with snow and a comfortable chalet. This is all color-corrected in the best traditions of Hollywood of the 80s.  The narrator is pontifying outright crap. Could this also be a joke from the CIA? Or is this the appeal by some ” proper guys” to their “misguided fellows”?

Whether or not this is a CIA joke or who is behind the insulting “KGB” response is no longer important. Just watch these videos, look out your window, and decide which one is closer to reality in your own country.



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