Francina Armengol New President of Spanish Congress

August 18, 2023

After the Spanish Parliament was constituted on Thursday, a total of 13 deputies were elected in the congress by the Aragonese: 7 PP, 4 PSOE, 1 Vox and 1 Sumar. All of them will take their seats in this first session of the Lower House. It is expected that the announced agreements between parties will be reached in order to form a majority to elect the next President of the Government.

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Along with these elections, the now customary formations of parliamentary groups, the Presiding Committees and the inauguration of the members of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate, which will begin the XV Legislature, have been established.

The agreement that has attracted the most public attention is the one established by Juntos and the PSOE. It was announced early in the morning, and it has been made possible that the socialist candidate, Francina Armengol, has been elected as the new president of the Congress of Deputies.

Armengol’s political career has been marked by her presence in the Balearic institutions and her role as leader in the Balearic Government. She entered politics in 1998 as councilman of her birthplace, following a family tradition, where her father and great-grandfather also participated in political life. Her current election as president of Congress is a great achievement in her political career. 

The tweet reads, “Constitutive Session Francina Armengol, proclaimed president of the Congress of the 15th Legislature by absolute majority in the first vote.” 

On the other hand, Cristina Narbona announced the vote count: 350 votes, 178 in favor of Francina Armengol and 134 in favor of the PP candidate, Cuca Gamarra.

The confrontation is served in the Congress of Deputies between Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the Popular Party and winner of the elections and Pedro Sánchez, PSOE candidate and acting President of the Government, without certainty about the investiture of the next president.

Javier Arenas will be the voice of the PP in the Senate until Feijóo appoints a new spokesman. Arenas has promised to play this role on an interim basis, until its party leader chooses the PP’s portfolios, since both the Senate and the Congress are at the moment unknown.

It is also news that the Socialist Parliamentary group in the Senate has warned this Thursday that it will be very attentive to a potential drift of the Upper House, with an absolute majority of the PP, that comes to hinder the action of the government, “it would be bad news for the Spanish people as a whole, we will be alert”, said the spokesman of the Socialist parliamentary group.

The pro-independence deputies claim in their language the Catalan and Basque republics, while the PSOE says that the PP cannot go to investiture and that the only option is Pedro Sanchez. According to the voice of the PSOE, Patxi López, the constitution session of the Lower House has shown that the PP is unable to reach any agreement, so its investiture will not be possible.

“We are very close to getting an investiture that gives birth to a progressive government and a legislature of advances and not of setbacks,” López added in statements to the media after the constitution of the Congress.

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