Greece Battles Wildfires, 146 Arrests Made for Arson

August 28, 2023

On Sunday, Greek firefighters were battling wildfires on Andros island in the Aegean Sea and the Evros region in northern Greece on Sunday, according to the Fire Brigade.


Wildfires Leave 27 Dead and 43,000 Hectares Burned in Greece

Meanwhile, authorities are investigating causes of the blazes that scorched over 120,000 hectares of forests and farmland this year so far.

A total of 119 arrests for arson by negligence and 27 by intention were made by the Fire Brigade from May 1 until Saturday, Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Vassilis Kikilias posted on social media over the weekend.

In three days from Thursday to Saturday, four individuals were arrested for arson with intent while two by negligence.

In the case of the fire that started on Saturday on Evia island, authorities believe it was due to lightning strikes, Greek national news agency AMNA reported.

The fire that has been raging in Evros for ten days continues out of control on Monday, when the risk of a change in the wind direction could push the flames towards the Dadia forest.

Evros Deputy Governor Dimitris Petrovich assured that it is a “megafire” that spreads over many kilometers due to the dryness of the terrain.

Over 1,000 wildfires have been reported this summer. Only this week firefighting forces faced over 400 blazes across the country, the Fire Brigade said.

Last month, Kikilias said most of the blazes this season were caused by “human hand,” either negligence or arson.

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