Guatemalans Take to the Streets To Defend Democracy | News

August 14, 2023

Guatemalan citizens marched again this Sunday in the streets of the capital city, to express their repudiation to the attacks that the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the 7th Court have made against the electoral process.

Bernardo Arevalo Leads Voting Intention in Guatemala

The first stop of the march was at the Chamber of Industry, where they demanded the Guatemalan private sector to respect the citizen vote cast on June 25, and the one that will be cast the following August 20.

The second stop was at the Supreme Court of Justice, where they also demanded the state judicial authorities not to illegally persecute the electoral process, nor the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.

With the faces of Arevalo, Arbenz, Oliverio, Fito Mijangos and other martyrs, the March for Democracy and the March of Flowers advanced through the main streets of Guatemala City.

The March for Democracy/Las Flores ended in front of the central park of the capital city of Guatemala.

END of the march for democracy/Las Flores, in front of the central park of the capital city of Guatemala.


The group of social organizations called Convergencia Nacional en Resistencia and Periodistas por la Democracia (Journalists for Democracy) also called for the defense of popular sovereignty.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office raided several times here the headquarters of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the headquarters of the Semilla movement, and maintains investigations underway, described as dangerous.

Under the attack of the judicial and electoral authorities to the presidential process in Guatemala, next Sunday, August 20, the second round will take place in the Central American country, between the aspirant of the Seed movement, Bernardo Árevalo and Sandra Torres of the National Unity of Hope.

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