In Support to the People of Guatemala in the Struggle for National Sovereignty and Anti-Corruption Struggle

To all individuals and organizations committed to social justice and the defense of human rights:

From the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), we  express our solidarity and support to the people of Guatemala in the struggle for national sovereignty and the anti-corruption struggle.

We have witnessed the events that have occurred in Guatemala since October 3, 2023, where the people have raised their voices against the anti-democratic actions exposed against the winning political party in the elections held last August, demanding the immediate resignation of public officials, Attorney General Consuelo Porras, Prosecutor Rafael Curruchiche corrupt and unpunished characters who have prevailed in power. The clamor of the Guatemalan people for a just and transparent society is legitimate and must be heard.

Corruption and impunity are evils that affect people all over the world, but in Guatemala they have reached alarming levels. The country’s resources have been plundered by the corrupt elite, leaving the majority of the population in conditions of poverty and inequality. This has generated a deep gap between rich and poor, perpetuating the class struggle.

It is in this context that the people of Guatemala have taken to the streets to demand real and profound change in the country’s political and economic system. They have demanded an end to corruption, the resignation of corrupt officials and the implementation of policies that promote social justice and equal opportunities for all citizens.

We, the organizations that make up the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, fully support these demands and join in the struggle. We recognize the courage and determination to confront a system that has perpetuated injustice and oppression, union is strength.

We urge the international community to join this struggle and support the people of Guatemala in their quest for justice, dignity and liberation. We demand that all those responsible for acts of corruption be investigated and punished and that the resources stolen from the Guatemalan people be returned.

In addition, we call for solidarity among the peoples of Latin America and the entire world. The fight against corruption and the defense of national sovereignty are common causes that unite us. We must join forces and work together to build a more just and equitable world.

We are committed to continue supporting the demands and working to build a world where social justice and equal opportunities for all would prevail.


Long live the struggle of the Guatemalan people!

Long live the liberation of the oppressed peoples!


International League of Peoples’ Struggle ILPS Guatemala

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