Monument to Simón Bolívar Unveiled in Moscow

July 19, 2023

An equestrian statue of Liberator Simon Bolivar was unveiled Wednesday in the Russian capital, Moscow, in commemoration of the 240th anniversary of his birth.

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The Venezuelan representatives present at the solemn ceremony included the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez; the ambassador to Moscow, Jesús Rafael Salazar Velásquez; and the Minister of Petroleum, Rafael Tellechea.

The recently inaugurated statue is a replica of the one located in the historic center of Caracas. The late President Hugo Chavez laid the first stone of the monument during a visit to Moscow in October 2010.

“To the Russian people on behalf of the Venezuelan people on the occasion of the celebration of the 240th anniversary of the birth of the Liberator Simon Bolivar,” reads the pedestal.

In Moscow, it was inaugurated in the presence of the Vice President of the Government, A.Nóvak, Mayor of Caracas Carmen Melendez, Minister Rafael Tellechea, and Minister of the Moscow Government S.Cheremin, Director for Latin America A.Schetínin, Ambassadors EMB₽V_Sergio Jesús Salazar Velásquez Monument to Simón Bolívar!

The monument was donated to Moscow by Venezuela. A team of specialists, headed by sculptor Jesús Manuel Suescún Quintero, worked on its creation. According to his words, the monument reflects “the true face” of the Liberator, which “was digitally created with the latest technological advances.”

Attendees at the ceremony considered the event a new milestone in the relations between the two nations

“This is truly a space worthy of the greatness of our Liberator,” said the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, who also stressed that Russia and Venezuela are “two nations that, in the concert of countries, are united in the struggle for the defense of our sovereignty, despite being victims of criminal sanctions and unilateral coercive measures.”

The Venezuelan Ambassador to Moscow, Jesús Rafael Salazar Velásquez, said that the monument is a “symbol of South American freedom” and expressed his “immense pride for that first stone that Commander Hugo Chávez placed in this place on October 15, 2010. Today we see it consolidated,” said the diplomat.

On his part, the Venezuelan Minister of Petroleum, Rafael Tellechea highlighted in the ceremony “the brotherhood that exists today” between both countries. The statue erected in Moscow is a symbol of “an alliance that has endured over time and is now strengthened in this act of brotherhood,” said the minister.  

In this regard, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Novak, present at the inauguration, referred to the “strategic” relations between Moscow and Caracas, noting that “they do not depend on conjunctures and are based on friendship and sympathy between the two peoples.” “The monument beautifies the city of Moscow; it is a symbol of the indestructible relationship between Russia and the brotherly people of Venezuela,” he added.

It is an imposing statue of Bolivar on horseback, more than eight meters high (including the pedestal). The place, located in a popular neighborhood in the southwest of Moscow, will host from now on numerous events of the Venezuelan community and will attract both nationals and tourists visiting the capital, said people present at the ceremony. 

The event takes place as next July 24 marks the 240th anniversary of the birth of the Liberator and the bicentennial of the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo, which he led.

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