News in Pictures | Filipino journalists light candles for colleagues slain in Gaza

November 7, 2023

MANILA – Journalists and campus journalists express solidarity for the journalists killed in Gaza, Tuesday, Nov. 7 at the University of the Philippines, College of Mass Communication.

UP Journalism professor and Bulatlat associate editor Danilo Arao said that “journalists should be critical in reporting about Israel’s territorial incursion. “The real narrative is genocide (against the Palestinians),” he said.


Other organizations that joined the candle lighting include the College Editors Guild of the Philippines, League of Filipino Students, students from St. Scholastica’s College, UP Solidaridad and Altermidya People’s Media Network and National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.

They also lit candles for all journalists slain in Gaza.

According to Committee to Protect Journalists, as of Nov. 7, thirty-seven journalists and media workers were confirmed dead. Majority of those who died were Palestinians with 32 deaths, four Israelis and one Lebanese. (Text and photos by Emily Vital) (

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