Niger’s Junta Expels French Ambassador

August 26, 2023

Niger’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation informed on Friday that the country’s military government gave French Ambassador Sylvain Itte 48 hours to leave the country. 

Niger: the Migrants’ Odyssey

According to the foreign ministry statement, the decision follows several actions by the French government contrary to Niger’s national interests. Among them, the French ambassador’s refusal to respond to an invitation to meet with Niger’s new foreign minister, the statement said. 

For its part, the French Foreign Ministry said Friday night that it would not accept the Niger junta’s request, stating that “the military government has no authority to order France to withdraw its envoys.”

Nigerien soldiers led by Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tchiani overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum on July 26. In response, 11 members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) sanctioned Niger and threatened military intervention to restore democratic order. 

In early August, the junta declared that it would annul several military cooperation agreements with Paris signed under the ousted president. Niamey’s regime has accused France of planning a military intervention in the country to reinstate Bazoum.

The junta appointed a new government and recently proposed to return the country to civilian rule within 3 years. ECOWAS has rejected the proposal and continues to demand the immediate reinstatement of Bazoum. 

Neighboring countries, including Guinea, refused to go along with the sanctions, while Mali and Burkina Faso said they would consider any military intervention in Niger an act of war against them. Late on Thursday, the West African country declared that it authorized its two neighbors to come to its defense in the event of an ECOWAS intervention.


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