On the 76th Anniversary of the Nakba

The International League of Peoples’ Struggle Commission 3 joins the people of Palestine in marking the 76th anniversary of the Nakba–the catastrophic expulsion by Zionist Israel of Palestinians from their homeland. On this day 76 years ago, over 70% of Palestinians were driven from their homes and lands by Zionist militias, and became refugees denied their fundamental right to return.

For over 70 years, Palestinians have fought Zionist occupation, colonialism, apartheid and oppression. The struggle for their right to return lies at the core of the Palestinian struggle for liberation.

We remember all those who have been martyred in the course of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, including those killed in the recent genocidal attacks on Palestine.

We also remember the victims of repression, including the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons who are behind bars for defending their rights as a people. We continue to demand the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, including those who have been detained without charges, deprived of the right totrial and have no prospect of relief.

We also express our outrage at the racist repression prevalent especially in imperialist countries, targeting Palestinian organizing efforts and activities in support of the Palestinian cause. We demand a stop to suchinjustice, including the vilification of organizations in support of the Palestinian struggle.

We are in solidarity with those who have fled their homeland, and demand that their refugee status be recognized, and their basic rights respected as a crisis-stricken people.

Amid the continuing conflict in Gaza, we continue to raise our voices with the people of the world for a stop to the attacks of Zionist Israel.

We urge all supporters and members of the ILPS to join and organize actions in support of the Palestinian struggle, and zero in on U.S. imperialism as the biggest supporter of Zionist occupation and aggression. We continue to call for support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel.

On this day, we raise our strongest voices insupport the Palestinian people in their valiant struggle for liberation, towards the rebuilding of their nation and the reaffirmation of their identity. In doing so, we contribute to the struggle against global imperialism, neocolonialism and fascism.

Our resounding call: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

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