On the Ongoing Popular Campaign Against President Ruto’s Government

Statement by the International League of People’s Struggle-Kenya Chapter

Published July 4, 2024

The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) – Kenya Chapter, stands with the Kenyan people in the just struggle against the oppressive policies of President Ruto’s government. The ongoing protests, driven by profound socio-economic and political grievances, reflect the deep discontent and urgent demand for change among Kenyans. This situation necessitates decisive action to liberate the nation from the grip of the corrupt ruling elite and their imperialist masters.

The primary adversary of the Kenyan people is unmistakably President Ruto and the corrupt ruling elite he represents. Mr. Ruto, who won the elections by portraying himself as a “hustler” against the scions of the political families, promised a “bottom-up” approach in governance to secure a better life for the people. However, his puppetry to his imperialist masters and institutions has made the lives of Kenyans more miserable.

The Finance Bill 2024, heavily influenced by the IMF, is a neoliberal attack on the livelihood and well-being of the Kenyan people. It is from the same package of reforms prescribed by the IMF to liberalize, deregulate and privatize economies in order to rake in more profits for the monopoly capitalists and their local comprador cohorts in the neo-colonies. The ruling elite and their imperialist backers seek only to plunder the resources of the country and squeeze the life out of ordinary people everywhere. Our unequivocal demand is: RUTO MUST GO! Scrap IMF-WB impositions! We must ensure that the decisions regarding Kenya are made by the masses of workers and peasants, the middle class and other oppressed and exploited people in Kenya, free from foreign interference.

Current Crisis and State Violence

In a bid to quell the growing protests, the state escalated the use of violence, resulting in the tragic loss of 39 lives, the injury of 361 individuals, 627 arrests, and 32 abductions. The youngest victim, a 12-year-old, and the targeted attacks on medical personnel, lawyers, journalists, and human rights defenders, illustrate the regime’s disregard for human rights and justice. Far from its aim of stifling dissent, the state’s brutal repressive measures are prompting the people into forming a broad united front of forces opposing the Finance Bill of 2024 and criticizing Ruto’s fascist attacks. This oppressive state response highlights the urgency of our struggle for a free, just, and democratic Kenya. 

People’s Demands:

The ILPS-Kenya Chapter fully supports the legitimate demands of the Kenyan people, as articulated in their protests:

  1. Immediately scrap-off tax increases on basic commodities.
  2. End the interference in Kenyan national sovereignty by foreign institutions like the IMF and World Bank. 
  3. Provide decent jobs, sustainable livelihoods, and implement Article 43 of the Constitution within six months.
  4. Quality social housing and compensation for those illegally evicted.
  5. Free and quality education for all.
  6. Free and quality healthcare for all.
  7. End state violence, abductions, extrajudicial executions, and police brutality.
  8. ⁠Return all stolen public land and implement a clear plan for food sovereignty.
  9. ⁠Fairly compensate all workers providing essential services.
  10. Halt the privatization of public institutions and state-owned enterprises.
  11. Resolve all historical injustices.

The ILPS-Kenya Chapter joins all progressive and patriotic Kenyans in striving to reclaim our sovereignty and build a just, equitable society. We call for a coordinated approach to advance the popular campaign and achieve these essential demands. The struggle continues!

In solidarity,

International League of People’s Struggle – Kenya Chapter

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