Onward with the People’s War!

April 23, 2023

The Christians for National Liberation (CNL), the underground political organization of revolutionary Christians, extends our warm salute and revolutionary greetings to the allied organizations of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) as it marks its golden founding anniversary today April 24, 2023. The NDFP is the formal revolutionary united front organization of the Filipino people fighting for national freedom and the democratic rights of the people.

Guided by its 12-point program, the NDFP has been waging the armed struggle, carrying out an agrarian revolution, mass base building in the countryside, and united front building in the past five decades. It represents the Filipino people’s revolutionary forces and their people’s democratic government, which are being built on the foundations of the victories attained in waging people’s war. Through the NDFP, the collective interests of the Filipino people are being represented in negotiations with the reactionary government, in the field of international diplomacy and solidarity relations with other revolutionary forces, people’s movements, and other groups.

Let us celebrate five decades of the united front building through the NDFP. Through the NDFP, the Filipino people are being united with the basic alliance of the proletariat and peasantry at its core, in alliance with the progressive forces of the petty bourgeoisie, and in further alliance with the positive forces of the national bourgeoisie and patriotic groups/individuals. The NDFP has also entered into temporary alliances with factions of the ruling classes to build broad alliances to isolate and fight the ruling clique.

The Filipino people are today confronted with the US-Marcos II tyranny, the current caretaker of the rotten semi-colonial and semi-feudal system. The Marcos II tyranny is implementing the worst of the neoliberal economic policies chiefly imposed by US imperialism and its financial and economic agencies, exhibiting the most detestable forms of subservience to its imperialist masters and employs the most brutal tactics of suppression combined with outright deception.

Amidst their worsening socio-economic conditions, the Filipino people demand to intensify their mass struggles and armed resistance. They demand to unite the broadest number based on their demands for social justice and their patriotic aspirations for national liberation.

CNL believes that the God of Moses, Jacob, and Aaron is the same God journeying with the Filipino people in their persistent quest to remove the heavy yoke of oppression among the hapless people envisioning a society that is free. God is the same God who, as Mary’s Magnificat (Luke 1:51-53) in part says:

“He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.”
(CNL 51st Anniversary Statement)

CNL is proud of its martyrs and heroes who selflessly dedicated their lives to the national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective. We honor the theme, and all martyrs of the revolution, by intensifying the people’s war.

The CNL calls on all its members to exert all-out efforts to CONSOLIDATE AND EXPAND OUR RANKS, UNITE AND OVERTHROW THE US-MARCOS II TYRANNY BY ADVANCING THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTION WITH SOCIALIST PERSPECTIVE, ONWARD WITH THE PEOPLES WAR. Following the recent 9th Congress, CNL has placed special emphasis on organizing the youth revolutionary Christians to serve the armed revolution. Let us further expand the NDFP to unprecedented heights. Let us build the broadest possible alliance and mobilize the biggest number of people in democratic, anti-imperialist, anti-fascist, and anti-feudal mass struggles and isolate and oppose the US-Marcos II tyranny. Let us gather the broadest possible support for the armed revolution and the people’s mass struggles.

Long live the National Democratic Front of the Philippines!
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!
Long live the New People’s Army!
Onward with the People’s War!

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News and information about the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA), and the Philippine revolution.

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