PRWC » Cases on Posadas killing and enforced disappearance of companions filed in Revolutionary People’s Court

June 11, 2023

Ka Maoche Legislador, spokesperson of the Apolinario Gatmaitan Command of the New People’s Army in Negros (AGC-NPA), announced today that cases related to the extrajudicial killing of National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Consultant Rogelio Posadas and the abduction and enforced disappearance of Lyngrace Marturillas, Denald Mialen and Renel De los Santos have already been filed in the Revolutionary People’s Court in Negros.

Posadas, Marturillas and the two habal-habal drivers were abducted along the highway of Barangay Aranda going to Barangay Camalo-balo in Hinigaran, Negros Occidental on April 19, around 6:25pm.

Bystanders who witnessed the incident claimed that a white van waylaid two motorcycles, then armed men wearing bonnets forced the drivers and passengers into the vehicle.

Posadas was declared by the 303rd Brigade as an NPA casualty in a “fake encounter” in Sitio Cabite, Barangay Santol, Binalbagan a day after his abduction while the other three are “desaparecidos” or victims of enforced disappearance until now.

According to Legislador, there is no one else capable of cruel acts against revolutionary forces and the people but the mercenary and barbaric Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP) and National Task Force (NTF)-Elcac under the command of Marcos Jr.

“Rogelio Posadas, Lyngrace Marturillas, Denald Mialen and Renel De los Santos are some of the many victims of state terrorism since the Marcos dictatorship up to present under Marcos Jr who, like his father, is a notorious butcher and fascist,” Legislador said.

Legislador added that they have monitored almost 300 cases of human rights violations in Negros Island under the Marcos II regime.

Ferdinand Marcos Jr will mark his first year as president on June 30.

‘Surface Lyngrace, Denald and Renel!’

Ka Maoche Legislador encouraged the Marturillas, Mialen and De los Santos families to continue to seek justice, make the 303rd Brigade accountable and demand the military to safely return their kin.

He likewise urged church people, human rights advocates, pro-people institutions, the local government unit, and other genuine peace-loving people to help the families find their loved ones together with the family of Iver Larit, an urban poor organizer who also went missing after he was abducted by state forces more than a year ago.

The entire fascist hierarchy must also be made accountable for their command responsibility, namely 3rd Infantry Division Commander MGen. Marion Sison, Visayas Commmand Chief Lt. Gen. Benedict Arevalo, Philippine Army Chief Lt. Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr, AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Andres Centino, and their Commander-in-Chief Pres. Ferdinand Marcos Jr, he said.

The AGC-NPA commanded all guerrilla fronts in Negros to launch widespread tactical offensives against fascist troops on the island to make them pay dearly for their crimes and blood debts to the people.

It also ordered the NPA to defend the people of Negros from massive and sustained focused military operations while implementing the comprehensive work of armed struggle, agrarian revolution, and mass base building and strengthening of the organs of political power. ###

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