PRWC » Condemn conviction of Frank Fernandez and wife Cleofe

June 29, 2023

The Party and all revolutionary forces condemn the reactionary court for the conviction today of National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) peace consultant Frank Fernandez and his wife Cleofe Lagtapon over clearly trumped up charges of illegal possession of firearms. Fernandez served as the spokesperson of the NDFP in Negros island during the 2000s until his retirement a few years ago.

Fernandez, who is 75, and Lagtapon, 69, were being treated for various ailments and medical conditions when they were arrested in March 24, 2019 in Liliw, Laguna. State agents planted a cache of firearms and various explosives to justify the arrest, despite how incredible the accusations were against the frail couple.

We condemn the Taguig City regional trial court for turning a blind eye to the obvious facts. The decision of the Taguig court fall under the so-called “legal offensive” of the National Task Force (NTF)-Elcac which includes putting pressure on courts to decide cases against revolutionaries or people accused of being part of the revolutionary cause, under pain of being themselves accused of “aiding terrorists.”

The conviction of the Fernandezes form part of the continuing policy to criminalize and penalize the revolutionary and progressive forces in the desperation of the reactionary state under the US-Marcos regime to suppress the Filipino people’s patriotic and democratic aspirations.

We join the different sectors and organizations in calling for justice and demanding the immediate release of Fernandez and Lagtapon and more than 800 political prisoners in the Philippines. We call on the Filipino people to continue the fight to demand an end to the reign of state terror, the policy of suppression and relentless military and police attacks resulting in rampant killings and violations of human rights across the country.

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