The Chadli Molintas Command (NPA – Ilocos-Cordillera Region) salutes the Red commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army, the genuine army of the Filipino people, on the occasion of its 54th anniversary.
With the Party, all revolutionary forces and the Filipino people, we also give highest tribute to the thousands of heroes and martyrs of the people’s army and the people’s armed revolution.
In the Ilocos-Cordillera region, we pay tribute to Mando ‘Ka Demsen’ Eduarte, Onal Osias ‘Ka Paot’ Balaoing and Gonzalo ‘Ka IB’ Battawang, Igorot peasants who left a life of oppression to commit their whole lives in service to the Filipino people.
In the spirit of their ultimate sacrifices and amidst the intensifying oppression and exploitation of the Filipino people under the US-Marcos Jr regime, we are confident that more shall rise from the ranks of the peasants, laborers, national minorities and other oppressed masses to join the NPA.
In the light of the worsening socio-economic crisis and the unrelenting fascist attacks of the US-Marcos Jr. regime, the bases for waging the people’s democratic revolution persist.
In the region, peasants continue to suffer from all forms of intensifying feudal and semi-feudal exploitation in the hands of landlords and big business. Farmgate prices of their products remain pegged at very low rates while cost of production has almost doubled or tripled due to unhampered rise in the prices of gasoline and agricultural inputs. Their ancestral and agricultural lands are endlessly threatened by plunderous multinational, transnational and local companies in energy, mining and agribusiness. The people have registered their strong opposition to large dam projects such as the Gened dams in Kabugao, Apayao and the Saltan River dams in Balbalan and Pinukpok, Kalinga that shall wreak havoc on their lands, lives and livelihood.
To stifle the peasants’ anti-feudal struggles and the defense of their lands, and in subservience to imperialist companies and the local ruling class of landlords and comprador big bourgeoisie, the AFP-PNP incessantly intensified its attacks on the people, sowing fear and terror in the communities of peasants, workers, miners and national minorities.
Human rights violations have been widespread and evident wherever the troops of AFP-PNP are. Aerial bombings and straffings, indiscriminate firing, attempted murders and massacres, harassment and intimidation of civilians and encampment of military and police elements within communities have been rampant, especially in areas where people firmly uphold their struggle for their rights. All these have been legitimized by the deceptive and brutal RCSP (Retooled Community Support Program), the corruption laden BDP (Barangay Development Plan) and the fascist NTF-ELCAC.
Indeed, the situation remains a fertile ground for the overall advancement of the national democratic revolution. Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the NPA and all revolutionary forces shall remain steadfast in their commitment to the just path of the armed struggle.
While the AFP-PNP holds on to its pipe dream of putting out the flame of the people’s revolutionary fervor, the NPA shall remain firm and forward-looking in the execution of its tasks as the genuine army of the Filipino people: building the foundation of the people’s democratic government in the countryside, advancing the agrarian revolution and sustaining the progress of the armed struggle. Drawing rich lessons from launching guerilla warfare amidst the continuous focused military operation of the AFP-PNP in recent years, they are more than ever determined to overcome hurdles and difficulties, and persevere to contribute to the advancement of the people’s war to a higher stage.
The sacrifices of our revolutionary martyrs shall not be in vain, as more and more from the masses shall stir up the flames of the people’s war.
Together with all revolutionary forces in the Ilocos-Cordillera region and across the archipelago, the CMC enjoins the best sons and daughters of the nation to keep the fire of revolution burning in the best way possible: by joining the NPA and committing a lifetime of service for the freedom of the Filipino people.
Persevere in advancing the people’s war to the next higher stage!
Long live the CPP!
Long live the NPA!
Long live the Filipino people!