PRWC » PRWC Weekly Round (December 24-30, 2023)

January 2, 2024

The PRWC published the following on its website over the past week:



Communist Party of the Philippines

Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP Information Bureau

Marco Valbuena, CPP Chief Information Officer

CPP Panay Regional Committee

CPP Central Panay Committee

CPP North Negros Party Committee

New People’s Army

NPA-Central Panay

NPA-Central Negros

National Democratic Front of the Philippines

Compatriots-Asia Pacific


Kabataang Makabayan-Southern Tagalog


Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions-Laguna

Makabayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan-Laguna

Kabataang Makabayan-Laguna

Kabataang Makabayan-South Central Negros

Statements of International parties and organizations on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the CPP

Ang Bayan

Ang Bayan Special Issue | December 26, 2023

Download here
Pilipino: PDF EPUB MOBI | Text (zipped)
Discussion Guide: PDF
English: PDF EPUB MOBI | Text (Zipped)
Discussion Guide: PDF
Bisaya: PDF EPUB MOBI | Text (Zipped)

Read in: English | Pilipino | Bisaya

Ang Bayan Ngayon

Ang Bayan Ngayon Compilation December 2023: PDF

Ang Bayan Ngayon Articles

Other Publications

Pulang Silangan

Alay sa unang anibersaryo ng pagkamartir ni Kasamang Jose Maria Sison


Updates Philippines

Liberation International


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News and information about the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA), and the Philippine revolution.

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