PRWC » ‘Terror Law’ will boost HRVs, further nurture culture of impunity on Negros Island

January 9, 2024

MGen. Marion Sison is outright mistaken if he thinks the Anti-Terror Law will put a stop to the people’s democratic revolution waged by the New People’s Army (NPA) that is under the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

The 3rd Infantry Division chief welcoming the Supreme Court’s procedural rules concerning petitions and applications related to the draconian Anti-Terror Law just exposes how fascist he is. More properly called Terror Law, it will only boost human rights violations and further nurture the persisting culture of impunity on Negros Island.

Resorting to tyrannical measures is a show of desperation on the side of the reactionary state. The 3rd ID can repeatedly declare “dismantled guerrilla fronts in Negros,” “insurgency-free areas,” and whatnot but it cannot hide the obvious truth—the people’s war remains undefeated, even after five years of all-out counterrevolutionary war on Negros Island.

As long as the roots of armed conflict remain, the people will continue to cherish, support, and join their genuine army, the NPA. The revolutionary movement is in stark contrast to reactionary fascist institutions that only act in subservience to their imperialist masters.

Reactionary leaders are egotistic and self-absorbed, while the rich treasure trove of the revolution continues to let older cadres train younger ones to advance the welfare of the masses. The old will be replaced by the new, and new revolutionary forces will take up new tasks against imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism.

No matter the millions the AFP and PNP spend on indescribable war crimes including aerial bombings and massacres, the political line of the revolution remains correct because it is based on the interests of the majority of the Filipino people. The Filipino masses seek genuine land reform and national industrialization, and no amount of fancy terms from the National Task Force (NTF)-Elcac or band-aid Barangay Development Programs can provide that. Only a national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective can truly address the damands of toiling masses—the same ones that AFP butchers kill every day.###

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News and information about the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA), and the Philippine revolution.

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