PRWC » Tumandok people’s blood, on Marcos’ hands

July 18, 2024

Marcos’ hands now drip with the blood of the martyrs of the Tumandok people of Panay, when he inaugurated last Tuesday the Jalaur River Multi-Purpose Project Stage II, the construction of which forcibly and brutally dispossessed them of their ancestral land.

On December 30, 2020, police forces massacred nine Tumandok minority people who actively resisted the construction of the megadam, in defense of their communities and people. Seventeen others were arbitrarily arrested and detained. By opening the Jalaur dam, Marcos displayed utter contempt of their memories, and gross disregard to the Tumandok communities and people.

The Tumandok and Filipino people will hold Marcos culpable for all the death and destruction that the Jalaur megadam project will bring to the masses of peasants and minority people.

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