PRWC » Two minors and their father, taken by military in Bilar, Bohol

February 25, 2024

We have received more information with regard the Bohol Massacre last February 23 perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP).

We learned that on the morning of February 23, police officers raided the home of a certain “Berting” in Barangay Campagao, Bilar, Bohol. Witnesses saw Berting and his two minor children (one of whom is four years old) being manhandled (“pinagsasampal”) in an effort to make them reveal the location of Ka Silong (Domingo Compoc) and his companions.

Berting and his two minor children were later forced into a white van, which left moments later. That was the last that Berting and family were seen by their neighbors. Their location is yet unknown.

The abduction of Berting and his children are clear violations of international humanitarian law, which give primordial importance to the protection of civilians during armed conflicts.

We also learned today that the police officer who was killed in the supposed encounter between the New People’s Army (NPA) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) was, in fact, killed by military troops after a skirmish between the operating units of the PNP and AFP.

The PNP and AFP were racing against one another in trying to get to the location of the resting unit of the NPA. The PNP unit arrived first in the area and were able to catch Ka Silong and company unawares. Operating troops of the 47th IB arrived later, sparking a firefight between them and the police unit, leading to the death of one police officer. This is resulting in deep resentment among the police, as well as among relatives of the officer who was killed, who were told that he died fighting the NPA.

These information are being shared by local residents who cannot stomach the lies being propagated by the military and police to cover up their heinous crime in the torture and willful killing of Ka Silong and his companions Hannah Cesista, Parlito Historia, Marlon Omosura and Alberto Sancho.

We call on all democracy-loving Filipinos to help put the spotlight on the case of Berting and his children, and help amplify the demand for justice for the Bilar 5.

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News and information about the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), the New People's Army (NPA), and the Philippine revolution.

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